I've been reading Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler. I'm not very far into it, but it's already been quite helpful in my reading and research of Wicca and witchcraft. I'm borrowing it from the library, but I'm hoping to get my own copy soon. It seems like the type of book I'd like to refer back to frequently.
And when I read books like this, it helps me see that I'm making the right decision in my spiritual path. Yes, I know I still have a lot to learn, and I'll tweak my practice over the years, but I know I'm finally on the right path. I feel like I've come home spiritually.
There's so much of what I'm learning about Wicca that I already believe, and now I just have a name for it instead of keeping it to myself because it didn't fit the Christianity I practiced. Wicca just makes sense to me. It blends all I believe and throws some really great things into it to deepen the spiritual path. It's absolutely wonderful.
I've also been trying to learn more about Tarot. I've been doing readings as often as I can, and I find myself developing a bit of intuition when it comes to the interpretations of the cards. This is a good thing. I'm becoming quite a bit more comfortable in the readings, and I'm beginning to see how the cards fit together to give a picture of what the seeker needs to know from the Universe. I love Tarot.
I would still like a set of Ogham staves. I found a pretty set that's pretty much within my budget that looks very nice, so I'll probably either get that set, or make one of my own. My apprehension with making a set of my own is that I would probably have to use dowels or something like that, and I'd rather have a set that's made from quality wood with the symbols burned in, and sealed to prevent damage. So I'm going to think about it a little longer before I make my decision. I have to have a connection with these staves, and I don't want to just decide in a hurry to get them and then not feel a connection with them.
I'm looking forward to the Full Moon Rite I'm going to do; I've invited Hubby to join me. I don't know if he will or not, but he knows he's always welcome. This will be my first Esbat celebration, so I'm really looking forward to it. Afterward, maybe Hubby and I will take a walk and be out in Nature for a while, and let the power of the moon energize us for the next month.
Blessed Be!
May your first Esbat be a joyous one, whether hubby joins you in circle or not.
Blessings on the path
Mama Kelly
Thanks so much!
Blessed Be!
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