Monday, November 17, 2008

The Moon

The moon was beautiful tonight when Hubby and I ran out to get pizza.  It was still low in the sky and a golden color--somewhere between orange and yellow.  I wish I could've stood outside all night just watching it.

I did attempt to get a few photos of it, but the camera I have isn't professional quality, so they didn't really turn out well.  (When I upload them I'll see if any work for posting to give you an idea of the beauty of the moon tonight.)

I love seeing the moon at night, especially when the sky is so clear.  I wish our apartment had windows on the opposite side so I could see the moon from our bedroom.  We're hoping to move into a two-bedroom in the next year or so, so I'll be paying attention to which way the windows face when we look for our two-bedroom.  It would be wonderful to be able to open the curtains at night and have moonlight flooding into our bedroom or my office or the living room.

For now, I'll happily peek outside at night to wave hello to the moon.

Blessed Be!

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