Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Today's Horoscope

This is my horoscope for today:
These past years have forced you to do some very deep self-analysis. A slow and powerful transformation is underway now that will force you to become more serious about your life's purpose. There's no need to consider any immediate changes in your overall path, but don't try to escape the inevitable. A shift in your long-term goals may be unavoidable, yet it should be a major improvement if you take it slowly and deliberately.
I'm not sure what this is referring to exactly.  Hubby and I are trying to get pregnant with our first child, so it could be that, but I'm also trying to make a living as a full time writer, so perhaps it's referring to my writing career.  (I have been getting lots of work lately.)  I guess we'll have to see how it plays out.

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