It was a candle spell. I love working with candles, so it only made sense for me to use a candle in my first spell. I feel like I put a lot of thought into it, but the self-doubt in me is wondering if I should've spent more time writing it, or if I worked it properly. I know I put my intention into the spell, which was the point of working it.
I know I need to be confident in my skills. If I always doubt whether or not something will work, it never will. I need to believe I can do it. And as for whether or not this spell will work...well...I have to start somewhere. If I wait until I "know enough" to work magic, I know I'll never feel ready. There's always more to learn.
I think in this case, learning by doing is a good method. Most people I've talked to have said magic either works and you know it, or it fizzles out. I don't foresee any huge backfiring of this spell.
I'm also trying not to think too much about it because I don't want my thinking/watching to change how I view signs that may come about from the spell. I want the spell to reveal itself. It's sort of the same thing as thinking you're going to get a cold, then you start feeling sick. I don't want to convince myself of anything one way or another.
We'll see how the spell goes. I'll definitely report back on it!