Friday, October 31, 2008

Have a Blessed Samhain!

Tonight, my husband will be joining me in a Samhain ritual.  I think it will be beneficial to him; he had to say goodbye to a much beloved pet this week, and we'll be remembering this pet at our ritual tonight.

I hope it goes well.

I'll post tomorrow.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What's in the cards?

I'm beginning to feel much more connected to my Tarot Deck lately.  I have a Robin Wood deck, and I do readings frequently, as well as just go through the cards to see what my intuition tells me about the cards.  It's helping.

There are still some cards whose meanings are unclear to me, but I'm learning.  Sometimes when I do a reading, I'll write in my mirror book what the cards mean.  Physically writing it helps me remember better.

I know that a lot of Tarot is intuition.  What are the cards saying to me?  And it's those intuition interpretations I need to work on.  As I learn more about the Tarot and gain a stronger connection with the deck, I know I'll feel more comfortable with readings.

I'd like to get a reading done by someone more experienced at some point.  When I do a reading for myself, I feel like I'm kind of bumbling through the reading to learn the answer to my question.  Someone with more experience can give me a better sense of a situation, and then I can also learn more about how to interpret the cards if I see them being read and interpreted.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I put in my application for membership with the Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida today.

The organization offers a connection with other Pagans, classes, public Sabbats, and many ways to be involved with the local Wiccan/Pagan community.  I think this is the connection I need as a solitary practitioner.

I've heard there is usually good turn-out for the Sabbats through WRCF, so it would be a way for me to make friends with local Pagans, and, at the very least, get out of the house from time to time.  Working from home is wonderful, but I get a bit of cabin fever occasionally.  This could be just the thing I need.

Blessed Be!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Seeking Connections

I've been thinking a lot about the journey ahead of me as I learn about Wicca.  I know there are a lot of people who believe I will never be a Wiccan unless I'm initiated by a Wiccan.

Do I need that recognition?  Do I want it?

I'm not one of those people who is smashing ideologies together and calling myself an eclectic Wiccan the way many people do.  I'm not using it as an umbrella term for my beliefs.  Instead, I've been researching Wicca and have found that much of the teachings readily available fall in with what I already hold as my own beliefs and values.

So do I feel the need to go through the initiation process to be recognized as a Wiccan by other Wiccans?

Right now, not really.  I have no problem with saying I'm a solitary practitioner of Wiccan teachings instead of saying "I'm a Wiccan."  Or, for that matter, saying I'm a Pagan with Wiccanesque leanings.  Being initiated will not change my beliefs or how I practice them.  And right now, I would like to spend time learning on my own before I learn under someone else's beliefs.  There are many places from which I've received reading suggestions (reputable places, I might add), that I won't want for information for quite some time.

I'm not saying I'll never seek initiation.  However, at this point, I'm happy in my spiritual path.  I'm happy to be reading and studying on my own.  I have a mirror book, I'm creating my Book of Shadows, and found a wonderful organization in my area that can help me make connections with other Wiccans/Pagans in my area.  I haven't decided yet if I'd like to become a member, particularly since I'm so early on my path, but I've registered for the forums, and I may attend a Sabbat with the organization.

Right now, I feel like this is all I need.

Blessed Be!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Full Moon

A couple of nights ago, Hubby and I walked to get our mail a little late at night.  It was quiet and cool and there were very few clouds in the sky.  I looked up and saw the full moon, and it was gorgeous.

I've always loved the moon, but last night felt different.  As I looked up at the bright, white orb hanging in the black sky, I could feel energy welling up inside me.  I could feel myself becoming refreshed and cleansed while I walked outside, and I couldn't keep myself from looking up at the moon.

The moon is representative of the Goddess, and when I picture the Goddess, I see Her walking along a rocky beach under a full moon and clear night sky.  Seeing the moon last night made me feel much more closely connected with the Goddess.  I'd have stayed outside for the rest of the night if I could have.  I wanted to just breathe in the moonlight as long as I could.

It was a unique experience for me, and one that I'll never forget.

Blessed Be!

Monday, October 13, 2008

First, Faltering Steps

I am exploring Wicca as a spiritual path for myself.  I've only just begun my research and practice of it, and I know I have quite a lot of reading and research to do before I'll begin to feel comfortable with the practice.

I was raised in a Christian home, but over the years became increasingly unhappy with the patriarchal lack of explanation I received from the pulpit, so I'm on a new spiritual path.  This one is one of my own making.

I know many Wiccans believe one can't be Wiccan unless initiated by a coven, and perhaps I'll seek a coven to join once I've done quite a bit more research, but spirituality is a very personal thing, and--at least for now--I need to make my own way.

I recently bought and read Scott Cunningham's Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca: a Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.  I feel both were a good way to "get my feet wet" in the religion, though I can understand others' complaints that Cunningham's works are a bit "fluffy."  A great deal of Wicca has to do with balance, and I felt these books were unbalanced, favoring the light side of the religion.

My next stop is Raymond Buckland.  I have a couple of books from the library I should have soon, and I'll be going through those, as well.

I ordered a Robin Wood Tarot Deck for myself, as well.  Tarot has always fascinated me, so I ordered a deck and I've been doing at least one reading just about every day.  Hubby has let me read for him, as has my sister-in-law (who is also interested in Wicca).  I feel like I'm developing a connection with the cards already, and I'm starting to learn the interpretations of the cards.

I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm excited about the research and reading, and I'm ecstatic to be on a path that finally makes sense to me!

Blessed Be!