Monday, October 13, 2008

First, Faltering Steps

I am exploring Wicca as a spiritual path for myself.  I've only just begun my research and practice of it, and I know I have quite a lot of reading and research to do before I'll begin to feel comfortable with the practice.

I was raised in a Christian home, but over the years became increasingly unhappy with the patriarchal lack of explanation I received from the pulpit, so I'm on a new spiritual path.  This one is one of my own making.

I know many Wiccans believe one can't be Wiccan unless initiated by a coven, and perhaps I'll seek a coven to join once I've done quite a bit more research, but spirituality is a very personal thing, and--at least for now--I need to make my own way.

I recently bought and read Scott Cunningham's Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Living Wicca: a Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.  I feel both were a good way to "get my feet wet" in the religion, though I can understand others' complaints that Cunningham's works are a bit "fluffy."  A great deal of Wicca has to do with balance, and I felt these books were unbalanced, favoring the light side of the religion.

My next stop is Raymond Buckland.  I have a couple of books from the library I should have soon, and I'll be going through those, as well.

I ordered a Robin Wood Tarot Deck for myself, as well.  Tarot has always fascinated me, so I ordered a deck and I've been doing at least one reading just about every day.  Hubby has let me read for him, as has my sister-in-law (who is also interested in Wicca).  I feel like I'm developing a connection with the cards already, and I'm starting to learn the interpretations of the cards.

I know I have a lot to learn, but I'm excited about the research and reading, and I'm ecstatic to be on a path that finally makes sense to me!

Blessed Be!

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